In the face of brutal Bering Sea winters, Jack struggled with tremendous pressure from storms, separation from family, sleep deprivation, with the intense responsibility to fish sustainably and bring his crew home safely. Who would do such a thing? What motivated Jack to endure such hardship?

“...He's fantastic! Engaging, entertaining and genuine. He's got great stories and conveys them in a captivating manner without sounding boastful or arrogant. He's an authentically nice guy and his photography is second to none!”
– Rick Lull, Emerald Princess

“That video says it all! Captain Jack is the real deal. If he can learn to work through his fears and learn how to thrive in such a crazy dangerous place, so can the rest of us. I loved his talk that I saw in Oregon. Truly inspiring. And his book made me feel like I was on the boat with him!” – Trish Wilkenson

“Thank you Jack, for all the stories and pictures. As a retired Alaska fisherman, often missing it, this is the best way to revisit my 25 years of commercial fishing. Beating ice off the boat, is not what I miss, but the amazing friendships, earned in tight quarters 24/7.” – Poul Toftemark

“Heard you speak in San Carlos a few years back, you hooked us with your pictures and hearing of your adventures, and your respect for our great Earth.” – Katie Madigan Patchin

“Like he says, you can't make this stuff up!! Both terrifying and hilarious at times. Jack, a master photographer, captures breathtaking shots of wildlife along with video, making his presentation just as vivid and animated as his stories.” – Marie B.

“Wonderful. Truly one of the best speakers I've heard. Dealing with fears and the excitement of the north, and the frightening nature of the Bering Sea.” – Marsha M.

“One of the most interesting presentations I’ve ever listened to. If you have an opportunity to listen to Capt Jack, don’t pass it up! You will be transported to the Wild Kingdom of the Bering Sea, and your inner fears; totally fascinating!!” – Lisa L.

Click below for a free chapter from Capt. Jack’s book, “You can’t make this stuff up.”


The Columbia pounds through challenging waves. The gale blows sea spray across our decks that flash freezes, adding weight to the boat. Having delivered our last load of fish, we’re enduring the 200-mile return to our fishing area.